Monday, July 14, 2014

     Here is finished artwork for a CBIG Illustration workshop; "Antony and Cleopatra" by Shakespeare for high school students.  I went to the workshop and learned a lot about this new area.  Graphic novels are comic books, essentially. From the critique: my work is for a younger students,maybe middle grade.  I should've done it in PANELS, the sectioned off parts of the comic book containing the art and dialogue.
     I was told I have a "style". My 2nd piece could've been a different angle/ was too much the same as the first one. These are the last two scenes in the edited play. 
    After seeing the original printed graphic novel done by a comic book illustrator(in color) as in "super heroes" style, I know this experiment was hard is not my thing...but Egypt is and that part was fun for me, anyway. We all have our style(s).   

                       CBIG Illustration Workshop with an art director and an art buyer. We all learned a lot from this critique located in a school lunchroom on the UES of NYC.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

"Antony and Cleopatra"/ workshop pieces


My work table: I'm using Micron Pigma markers and pencil on sketch paper. Now the  sketch needs to be more finished and defined. This is for a teen graphic novel (2 consecutive pieces) based on Shakespeare's version of "Antony and Cleopatra" for a CBIG sponsored workshop.
Work has progressed since this photo was taken.  I even brought it in to my job to work on which is slow right now in the afternoon .. Shhhh!
I may add some color to this graphic novel approach; this is my first attempt at it. Watch those caption bubbles...they're way too loopy and lofty. I'll correct that. Now to work.